more information about Kodo:
Maki-style Kodo demonstration, 02/02/10
Theme of the game: a poem by Basho
An ancient pond
A frog plunges
The sound of water
Incense used:
smell 1: Juniper tree
smell 2: Shoko (Japanese temple incense)
smell 3: Frankinsence from Oman
smell -: Jinko (Japanese incense often used in Kodo)
Team A: Ivan, Huan, Pablo, Maki
Team B: Melissa, Orfan, Jelle, James
After the each round of smelling, participants guessed which smell it was. The team that made more correct answeres was allowed to let the frog 'jump' once. The team with the frog that jumped further away from the start line wins.
Team A
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